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A Fence Around the Cuckoo


I have recently finished reading the wonderful autobiography of Ruth Park, who grew up in New Zealand during the Depression. It’s charming, witty and poignant. The title is related to a quote in the front page of the book:

“The three wise men of Gotham loved the spring so dearly and could not bear to bid her farewell, so they built a fence around the cuckoo.”

When  I read that, I had a burst of self realization – I myself have loved having my house full of children and have loved homeschooling them so dearly, that I’m tempted to build a fence around that season so it never ends. But I mustn’t. The cuckoo must fly away at the end of spring. The children must fly from home. And I must be willing to let them go. But I can watch them fly away with my blessing and love, knowing that come next spring they will return.


My little cuckoos

My little cuckoos


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