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A Worship of Writers


A gaggle of geese, a pride of lions, a parliament of owls, a murder of crows, a float of crocodiles, a flock of sheep, a leap of leopards – don’t you love collective nouns? Well, apparently a group of writers is called a worship of writers! And yesterday I flew home from Brisbane where I’d been at the Word Writer’s Fair on the Sunshine Coast with almost a hundred other writers – a veritable worship of writers. It was a full-on time with workshops and panels, meals and net-working. Wonderful.

I ran a work shop and was on several panels – from left  Amanda Deed, myself, Penny Reeve and Paula Vince.

And on the Saturday night we had the awards dinner for the 2012 CALEB prize. My book Where the Crickets Sing was one of three finalists in the children’s section. The previous books in The Barn Chronicles series won the same award in 2010 and 2011. However this time, I remained a finalist, the winner being Shan Joseph for The Easter Story. (What a great story!! )  I am of course delighted to be a finalist. 🙂

And for those of you who are interested, I am now half way through the last book in the series! Still have all the illustrations to do, so lots of work still be done, but I hope to have it published by June 2013.

Rosie ~ 16 October 2012



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