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Book Launch


I’m sitting by our wood stove, enjoying its warmth and watching to make sure I don’t overcook all the chocolate chippie biscuits the kids have made for my book launch tomorrow night.  Storytime Award Winning Books and Toys is hosting the launch for Where Lions Roar at Night, which will be held in the Strand, Whangarei, at 7pm on the 16th April 2009. It should be a fun night, with the foot tapping music of Fiddlelore, puppet shows by the Booms, good food and drink, marshmallows and hot chocolates for the children, and a talk from Dalu, one of the lion men at the Zion Wildlife Park. Jessie Foote (my artist neice) is judging the children’s artwork, and Storytime is providing some fun prizes for the winners. I’ll post some of the art work on my website later. So it’s going to be a fun night! We’ve dressed the shop up like our old barn, and we’ll be there tomorrow night in our glad rags – our overalls that is! YIKES! The biscuits!!



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