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Boom Girls’ News


Eliza recently attended the NZ Opera School in Wanganui and was awarded a $5000 scholarship by Dame Kiri te Kanawa. She has a busy year ahead of her; she is teaching lots of students, is completing a post grad course at Waikato University with Dame Malvina major, and will be doing lots of travel and competing.

Ellie and Kiri Te Kanawa (Small)

Receiving the award from Dame Kiri te Kanawa

Ellie and Milly

Ellie (left) and Milly

And Kate has just had her thesis proposal approved. So this year will be a busy one for her in Wellington as she works, studies, writes and somehow also fits in all manner of cultural and musical shows and events. She has so many great friends down there – life is full!

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La vie est belle

Milly has begun her second year of her nursing training and is loving it. It gives me a great thrill to see her head off in her uniform to the hospital where I trained. 🙂



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