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China Adventure


Thought I should post some pics of my amazing time in China. It was a very busy time – we hit the ground running and had visited four cities in five days…Shanghai, Kunshan, Nanjing and Beijing. I got quite sick in my last week unfortunately but still managed to visit the amazing Summer Palace, the Forbidden City and of course the Great Wall. Even managed to get a few inches of air there. 🙂 They were all amazing but the best thing for me had to be all the amazing, beautiful people I met!!

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Managing a small leap for joy on the Great Wall.

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The speed trains…so fast!!

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One of my wonderful interpreters

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Lost in Shanghai?

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Some folk in Nanjing

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The Nanjing University – beautiful

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New friends in Beijing

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 About to board a boat to explore the Summer Palace. (It actually left without us while we were taking the photo.)

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The incredible Long Corridor – 728 metres long, with 14,000 pictures painted on its ceiling. Beautiful!!!

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The incredible Great Wall of China!\

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Up on one of the watch towers. Seeing the inhospitable, mountainous terrain to the north

you’d wonder what invading army could ever be a threat.

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Tienanmen Square

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Some of the wonderful people in Shanghai

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The massive gates in the Forbidden City. And the ghastly dust mask.

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A selfie in the Forbidden City

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The gnarled trunk and roots of an ancient sycamore tree in the garden of the Forbidden City.



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