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Comings and Goings


We’ve had a busy time here of late. Last Sunday we hosted the church picnic.  Had about 130 people come out – they all sat on the lawn and had lunch;

There were egg and spoon races, sack races, cricket games, volleyball and swimming. Fun! A dream come true for me – I used to say to Chris while we were building the house that one day we’d invite the church out for a picnic. 🙂 I loved showing the little children how to find chilean guavas (NZ cranberries); then we sampled cherry tomatoes and went hunting for fat juicy strawberries.

And best of all, Mum and Dad were able to come down and share the day with us. – a dream come true for me. 🙂

The week before Chris and I had wonderful two days together at Cape Kidnappers…he had to look over a farm down there and we were offered free accommodation in the luxury 5 star lodge on site. Chris even had to wear a dinner jacket!

The land is so very very dry! Northland almost looked green when we got home, and we’re in a drought. Got to see the gannet colony. Thousands of birds stay there and raise their young for a few months before flying back to Australia, I think.

The plan was for me to finish writing my book while he looked over the farm, but there were too many other things to do! I did get one chapter done though, with some sheep looking over my writing. 🙂

I had to take a photo of Chris beside this expensive car – note the number plate!! I reckon James Bon never looked so good. 🙂

Then on Monday it was Mum’s 91st birthday! What a precious mother she is to me. And still so beautiful. Both Mum and Dad are the living example of Psalm 92…”They will still yield fruit in old age; they will be full of sap and very green.” How blessed I am to have parents like that! Penny and I had a special lunch with them and took lots of photos.

Still in love after 69 years of marriage.

The twins and Mum

Dad and I

Today I need to pack up and head off on tour for ten days. I’m speaking at the national home school conference – Auckland, Palmerston North and Christchurch. Looking forward to maybe seeing some of you there!


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