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God’s Artistry


I drove down to Auckland last week to begin a ten day tour – speaking at the national home schooling convention. It was fun being on my own for once in the car. Turned on some great music and sang at the top of my voice. And then I stopped the car to watch the most beautiful sunset unfold. The rays stretched into the heavens just like we all drew them when we were kids!  I took some photos especially for Kate who loves sunsets. 🙂

The beauty of it left me deeply moved. I sensed God’s awesome presence and his great love for me. It made me think of the verse in Psalm 8 – You have set your glory in the heavens….When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the  moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is mankind tha you are mindful of them, or human beings that you care for them?

Have a look at the glory he set in the heavens that night.

Beautiful, huh?

And while I’m marveling at his work in the heavens, here’s a photo of my vegetable garden and Mr McGregor bathed in moonlight.

Blessings, Rosie 14 March 2013


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