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Gypsy Cob Foal


Milly and I have just got home from the vet’s with smiles all over our faces. Peony, Milly’s pony, is in foal!! In January she met a beautiful Gypsy Cob stallion, and now we will have a very special arrival at Christmas!…

Gypsy cobs are known as one of the most docile and gentle breeds in the world with the bonus of being easy to train and doing very well on relatively small amounts of grass. Gypsy breeders have bred these ponies for generations focusing on the development of progeny with calm and gentle temperaments, stamina, beauty and adaptability. These ponies were required to pull a heavily loaded wagon all day, be available to teach the children to ride in the evenings and to thrive on the grasses that grew on the roadsides.

Heather from MonteithRidge Gypsy Cob Stud, Dargaville, contacted me after reading Where Lions Roar at Night and asked if we still had Peony. And she then offered us a reduced stud fee for Bow, her beautiful Gypsy Cob stallion. Milly was so excited and very happy to use her savings to do it.

So, we have been waiting for several months to find out if Peony is pregnant. What a thrill. I reckon she’ll have a pretty cute foal!

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