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He Gathers the Lambs in His Arms


Hi, I’m Rosie Boom. In Isaiah 40, we read of the Sovereign Lord who comes with power, and rules with a mighty arm. The verse then goes on to say, “He tends his flock like a shepherd; he gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.”

What beautiful words! With barely a breath in between, Isaiah speaks of God’s strong, powerful arm, and then of lambs tenderly being gathered in that same arm. Such power and such gentleness. They meet in the Lord and are displayed in all his dealings. It’s true that God has a mighty arm, that he rules with power, but for those of us who love him, it’s that same mighty arm that gathers us up, carries us and gently leads us. The sovereign Lord, the shepherd, carries us close to his heart.

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