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His Word Revives Us


Hi I’m Rosie Boom. Psalm 119 v 92 says If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction. I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have revived me.

I love this verse! In my darkest trial, this verse became my testimony. When the very foundation of my faith was being shaken and tested, it was the Word of God that revived me. Without it, my faith would have perished. How we need to love the Word! It is our strength, our source of wisdom, our guide. No trial will prove too great for us if we hunger and thirst for the Word. No matter how severe the experience, it will never destroy us, if we delight in God’s Word.

Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful way your word revives our hearts. May it breathe hope and strength back into every broken and weary soul.

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