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It Was Never Meant to be Easy!


I’ve just got back from HEART (Home Educators Annual Retreat) where we were shown a great movie clip made by a homeschooling family (Team Gordon) who have relocated to Uganda. I was challenged and inspired by their example. I have always had a heart for missions, and used to dream of taking the whole family somewhere. However…

A month ago, we had a friend over for a meal, and enjoyed a lovely evening together talking about all sorts of things-  missionary work was one of them. I made the comment, “You know, if the Lord called me to the mission field now, I wouldn’t find it easy.” (duh!)

Trevor smiled at my stupid comment and said, “Rose, it was never meant to be easy.”

Oh boy! Of course he’s right. What was I saying?? I guess it’s just that when I was young and single, I dreamed of serving the Lord on the mission field – longed for it. To go to South America or Africa or Asia didn’t seem hard at all.  Why does it now? If I’m honest, it’s because I’m so comfortable here, so happy to be surrounded by family and friends.  I’m serving the Lord in other ways, that are both rewarding and fulfilling, but I know that I should be ready and willing to go wherever the Lord sends us.  From my time in Borneo, I know only too well that missionary life has its own unique challenges and whereas once upon I time I revelled in those challenges, something in my contented heart shrinks from them now. And when my Kate talks of Cambodia and Uganda, my mother’s heart trembles! Time for a heart revival, I think! I’ve  just re-listened to the song I wrote some years ago, and feel ashamed at my own luke-warmness.  (Heart Revival)

Have I lost my sense of mission? Have I lost that early zeal?

Has the earth consumed my vision so that I no longer feel?

Have I run my soul clean out of breath chasing the things of the world?

Has a job, a house, a farm, a debt replaced the Gospel’s call,

And a burden for the dying, a passion for the lost;

Has riches, fun and heart-ease replaced the Gospel’s cost?

Have I traded heaven’s glory for the faded things below,

’til the power of salvation’s story no longer fills my soul?

Have I lost the  heart devotion, have I lost that fervency?

Is the Cross of Christ forgotten so that I no longer feel

A burden for the dying, a passion for the lost;

Has riches, fun and heart-ease replaced the Gospel’s cost?

Lord I need a heart revival, Lord, I need that early zeal

Lord, I need a heart revival, send your Spirit to my need

Give me a burden for the dying, a passion for the lost

Don’t let riches, fun and heart-ease replace the Gospel’s cost

Lord I need a heart revival; send Your Spirit to my need.

Amen! ~ Rosie 27th June 2011


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