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Living with the Sparrows


It’s been a long time since I wrote a blog, but you sure can’t do everything! We have spent the last few weeks working furiously on our 90 year old barn, trying to get it ready for winter. We got rid of the resident possum, but I didn’t have the heart to remove the sparrows’ nests. The only problem is that at night, the sparrows come in and roost directly above our kitchen table. We have now discovered there is one particular ‘danger’ spot, where it’s not safe to sit or leave food.  We make sure we don’t seat any visitors there.

I love it here. I feel completely contented in my rustic, run down barn. It looks very cosy and welcoming now, and the only real problem we forsee is it will be quite cold in winter. Impossible to deal with all the holes and draughts. But as I tell my children, it’s sobering to think that half the people in the world would think we were living in a palace! The children are having the time of their lives. Sam looks like Huckleberry Finn as he heads off exploring. Last night they pitched a tent and slept on our ‘island’, (About 1/2 acre that becomes an island when the river is high.) Great missionary training.:) Great family adventure!


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