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Midsummer’s Evening of Music by Candlelight


Saturday evening came in softly and still – not a breath of wind! The perfect balmy evening for a midsummer’s music by candlelight on our front lawn – a fundraiser for Katie and Ellie who are both off on a mission’s trip next week. (And the perfect evening for me to indulge in my passion for candles and lanterns. 🙂

 We spent the morning mowing lawns, setting out flares and chairs and candles, and baking slices for the supper. I did a huge apricot slice, only to realise that in my haste I had forgotten to put the flour in! Unbelievable. never mind – the chickens thought they’d died and gone to heaven. I remade the slice and this time, it worked!

We moved the piano out onto the front porch and set up a sound system. Guests started arriving at 7.30 – and to my delight and surprise my dear friends Celia and Roddy came all the way up from Hamilton; Chris Bovill and her four girls came from Matamata; my friends Kerry and Angela came up from Auckland with three van loads of students from their missions school!

The girls sang for two hours – a mix of classical, jazz, folk and contemporary songs. They did it mostly all themselves and accompanied each other on the piano and guitar.

Josiah did a couple of duets with Ellie – one of them called The Scientist, the other All I Ask Of You from Phantom of the Opera. It really suited the candlelight!!

I helped out in a couple of songs

All in all a magical evening. I just sat back and enjoyed it all – it wasa like a feast to my soul. 🙂 And the wonderful thing was they raised over $2000 for their missions trip! A huge thank you to all who came and gave.

Rosie ~ 23/1/12


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