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Mud Slides


We’ve had a wet, windy week up here in the sunny north. But at least our water tanks are full now.

The kids have been hoping the river will flood again. This morning, come school time, Jake, Sam and Milly were nowhere to be seen. But I heard giggles and peals of laughter coming from down by the river. I got my camera and put on some gumboots and crept up on them.

There they were, swinging on the rope swing into the brown flooded river. And the river bank was one slippery, slimy mud slide. They showed me how they could have races sliding down the bank into the river. They were filthy!! But boy, they had fun. Chris and I took videos and photos.

Made me think we all need to make time for mud slides somewhere in our busy lives.

When Sam started looking a bit blue with cold, they all ran back to the barn, filled my washing machine with their filthy clothes (!!) and hopped into a hot bath. I read to them while they were in there warming up – we’re reading Little House on the Prairie at the moment. Appropriately we were up to the story of their dramatic crossing of a swollen river, and Pa having to swim with the horses.

What a great start to a school day!

Now they are all writing stories and poems about it in their journals. I love home-schooling!


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