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My Two Amazing Mothers


Before all my children (except Katie and Ellie :() arrive for the evening, I want to add a special post about Mother’s Day. Of course I’m missing my darling Mum very much today, but last night the Lord gave me a special gift – a dream! I dreamed I was visiting people in hospital when suddenly I saw Mum in a bed! Her face beamed with joy when she saw me. I crawled into bed beside her, and she laid her head on my shoulder, and we talked and laughed and sang songs together. And then we prayed together. It was so beautiful and seemed so real. I woke up with a full heart, thanking the Lord for the gift of the dream, and for the gift of my mother. What a blessing she was to me! Always encouraging, always caring.

 Mum and I

But I want to take this opportunity to also thank the Lord for my other Mum, my mum-in-law, every bit as dear to me. I haven’t known and loved her all my life like I did my own mother, but still, I love her so much. How many girls fall in love with a wonderful man and then inherit a mother in law like I have? Not many I think. smile emoticon

Mum Boom and I

Mum, I’m crying as I write this, as I think about all you mean to me. Thank you for accepting me into your wonderful family, for loving me and encouraging me, for loving my children, for always praying for us, and for being such a huge and wonderful part of my life! I hope you have an amazing day today, knowing how loved you are. xxx


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