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Our Beautiful Kate


Today we are celebrating our beautiful Kate’s 22nd birthday!! (Away from her unfortunately. 🙁 ) But I feel the same joy today that I felt all those years ago when they laid her in my arms. What a gift she is to us! I thank God for her; for the joy she has brought us; for her tender heart towards God; for her earnestness in serving him; for how she has faithfully loved him since she was three years old; for her passion to serve him every day of her life…

I remember I used to tuck her into bed and say the same thing to her that Catherine Booth’s mother used to say to her – ‘The world is waiting for you, Kate!’ 🙂 And her big blue eyes would widen with anticipation and excitement. Asia has already been blessed by her – perhaps Brazil next year??

A few days ago she began a new venture – she will go barefoot for six months. Check out the vision behind this on her special ShoeLess Blog!!

This photo will give you a clue as to what’s behind Kate’s decision.

May God fill her heart with joy. May he anoint her to speak his words and be his hands and feet (bare feet!) to a broken world. I love you, Kate!


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