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Spring in the Garden


I’ve just come in from working in the garden. It’s a glorious spring day. Quite hot. So I actually went for my first swim in the pool! Then I had fun going around my (still young) garden and taking some photos of God’s handiwork.

One of favourite spring combinations is the dark purple iris alongside the first blooms of David Austin rose Abraham Darby. (my favourite rose) Sorry, the photo doesn’t do justice to Abraham Darby at all. 🙁


So here’s a better one…

I have some lovely old fashioned Granny Bonnets…



This is a crimson clematis – I forget the name. I’ve just put it on my side of the pool gate fence, opposite the thornless rose, Zepherine  Drouhin


The humble purple linaria


My first sweet peas!


And the first bloom on my Chianti rose bush. Josiah gave this to me years ago for mother’s day and I planted a cutting at our new home.


This rose would be a close second – Mutabalis. It’s flowering beautifully on the south side of our house. I plan to plant one down at the barn soon. The flowers turn different colours as they age.


This is a shot of our 20th wedding anniversary oak. It’s thriving! Just as well. 🙂 On the left is my up and coming milking cow Fairlight. She’s due to calve soon. I could be in for a few tussels though – she’s a bit spooky.


Two different colour Alstromerias. Not my favourite flower but it lasts ages in a vase.


My Chilean Guavas are starting to fill out. We had a wonderful crop last year and the little kids used to love and sit by them and pick their tiny fruits.


In the holidays we did the concrete pour in our garage. Chris calculated the amount wrong and we had just enough left over to concrete my potager garden paths. 🙂 We did it in a big rush and forgot to colour the concrete. Never mind.


I’ve just been given two bales of old silage and have been spreading it as a mulch on the garden. Hopefully it will deal a mortal blow to the weeds.


I was so hot after all my work, I had my first swim in the pool! Delicious.


I bought two non-spreading nasturtiums last year – they look bright and cheery amongst the vegetables when the garden is full. Need to do a lot more planting this weekend. Potatoes need to go in for one thing…


Another shot of our thriving marriage (tree)


Had to take a shot of the most overlooked flower – the daisy.


Sam and Jake helped me spread mulch around our berries.


My white wisteria has finally flowered after sulking for two years at the barn. It will now adorn the verandah at our new home.


A shot of our garden in the making. The tin goes on the roof tomorrow!


My passionfruit vine is going crazy. Can’t wait!!!


So is the wonderberry vine and the raspberries….


It’s not a great shot but it’s my first flower on the rose I planted on the fence by the meadow – Souvenir de Mme  Leonie Viennot. I had this at my last home and loved it. It has shades of apricot and pink -a bit like Abraham Darby.

Right, I’d better get ready to go and visit Mum. I feel like I’ve soaked in plenty of sunshine and beauty today. What a blessing.

Rosie – 18 October 2013


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