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Summer Happenings 2014


2014 has got off to a very busy start, the days tumbling past with lots of visitors and heaps of activity. Here’s a bit of a run-down on the ‘haps’ in the Boom family for those of you who are interested.

We’ve had a very busy start to the year – at least 200 people for meals each week. Mostly young people from our church out every second day – lots of volleyball, swimming and fellowship. It’s been wonderful. We even hosted an Arabian Nights mystery evening which was a lot of fun. Great dress ups!

Mum is doing really well. Her last leg ulcer has all but healed. She is bright and happy. Her last leg ulcer has all but healed. She is bright and happy. On Saturday I picked her up and brought her down to my place for the afternoon and dinner. As we drove here she said, “Life is wonderful! One minute I’m sitting in my chair, the next, I’m whisked away on an adventure, sitting in the car and eating an ice cream.” 🙂 We had a lovely time together.

She loved seeing our 22 ducklings swarming under the trees in the orchard. They are soooo cute. Goodness knows how I’m going to find homes for them all later.

Dad’s plaque for the grave has arrived. I’ve put two little sparrows beside it – a reminder of how he fed the birds faithfully for many years, and also a reminder of how precious our lives are to God. “Are you not worth much more than they?”

 We had fun with the usual crowd of young people on Friday night. After an intense afternoon of volleyball, we headed down to Lantern Waste, made a great fire and cooked sausages and delicious camp oven bread. They decided they wanted to sleep out under the stars, so Chris and I took down a couple of mattresses and set up camp by the fire (chaperones, you know) Chris lasted until 1.30 and then decided to abandon me in favour of a softer bed. It was lovely lying there looking at the stars and the full moon rising above us. The possums didn’t come near us (probably because of the dogs- although Angel found herself a pillow and went to sleep) and only one mosquito buzzed around my ear.

Simple joys. 🙂 “Sometimes, the simple things are more fun and meaningful than all the banquets in the world …” E.A. Bucchianeri

The news of my arm is that after three months it hasn’t been getting better. (I hurt it in a game of volleyball back in September) My physio decided she needed to book me in for an MRI, so she sent me first for a repeat X-ray. Surprise, surprise (not really for me!) they told me that my radius was fractured. We got the original X-ray taken in September and sure enough there was the fracture which somehow had been missed. So my treatment for tendons has been hindering the fracture healing. Hopefully now after immobilising it in a cast it will heal. I had a follow up x ray on Friday but haven’t heard the results yet.

Chris just went to Auckland on Saturday with Ellie to buy her a car. They got a 1993 Toyota Starlet. But on the way home it badly overheated – stressful and upsetting for both of them. L I took it to our garage today and he’s just rung to say it’s a radiator problem, so that’s not too costly I hope. Ellie is joining a new flat this year with three of her friends from Vision College. This will be her last year of her music degree.

Chris saw the cardiologist last week for a check-up re his atrial fibrillation. The doctor told him that they’re not going to operate cos it’s settled down well. Yay.

Josiah is working at a school’s holiday programme over the summer. He really enjoys working with the kids. He’ll be starting his last four papers of his degree in February.

Kate is winding up for a really busy year teaching music, singing in The Phantom of the Opera (Ellie as well), and running her Shoeless campaign. Very exciting developments there, with a NZ shoeless day happening. She also had a family donate $20,000 recently!!! Check out her website if you’re interested. Also she’s on Facebook for those of you in that domain. J

She’s loving her retradoodle dog, Freya. Mum and Dad had Freya for a few months before Dad died. Here she is having just had a haircut by Chris with his sheep shears.

Milly will be starting her last year of school soon! Good grief. Then she plans to go nursing. She’s organised constant action this summer.

Sam and Jake are both sprouting. Sam is taller than Chris now, although Chris refuses to acknowledge it. And we’ll have to wait and see just what Jake does – his legs are looking very long…

Here’s a photo of us at a wedding last week – you see what I mean about Chris trying to be taller than his son. 🙂



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