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The Great Love of God


While we were in the plane flying to Hanmer Springs, I looked down at the terrain below trying to pick out different towns and the main road. Not so easy! I thought of the many times I’ve travelled the length of NZ. But as I looked down at the vast areas on either side of the main road, I realised that although I thought I had seen “all of New Zealand”, really I had only seen a narrow strip of land on either side of the road. There were vast areas and places that I had never seen or visited. Made me think of the verse in Ephesians where Paul prays and asks that we would all be able to grasp the breadth and the length and the height and depth of Christ’s love and to know it, although it is beyond knowledge. (Ephesians 3v 18,19) Felt a great sense of the breadth of God’s love for me that day.  Much, much wider and deeper than I have seen or known or experienced. Praise God.


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