Last Thursday, Samuel turned ten – double digits! He was so excited about his new bow and arrow. We had a few tournaments and then Milly asked me to come down to the river to watch her ducks swimming. On the way back, we crossed Smoking Bridge – a large log we had placed across the gully. I slipped and fell, trapping my right leg between two parts of the log, and then falling over it. Milly heard it happen and came back to help me. She ran and got Chris, and together with my oldest son, Josiah, he managed to carry me back up to the barn. We realised I needed to go to hospital, so left all the children at home and headed off. After four hours of Xrays and examinations, they told me I had broken my tibial plateau – a complicated, painful break. They couldn’t operate straightaway because of the swelling, but I ended up having the operation on my birthday (Monday 30 June) When I came out of surgery, my twin sister Penny was there, and she took heaps of video of me singing Great is Thy Faithfulness as I tried to wake up. The recovery staff told me afterwards, it’s the first time they’ve had a patient sing hymns to them as they came out from anaesthesia:) Then I started singing Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Now I embark on the long road to recovery. Years ago, when I had a miscarriage, my three year old daughter gave me a hug and said, “Oh Mummy, sometimes things like this happen to people.” I remember feeling such love for her as she gave me her enouragement and deep wisdom. I know that sometimes bad things happen, but I also know from experience that God can turn them into good! As Job says, “His hands wound, but they also heal.”
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