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To the Barn!


“Be ruthless!” my husband tells me. And I am trying to be, but it’s hard to be ruthless when you’re packing up a family of eight after ten wonderful years in your first home.

However, a real adventure beckons. The first time we saw the new land, our six children swarmed all over it, exploring the river and groves of trees. I stood gazing at the old barn which will be our new home for the next year, while my husband and oldest son, Josiah, and yours truly, build our new family home. I couldn’t help feeling excited about the challenge of transforming the barn into a beautiful, cozy interim home for us.

So, each afternoon, I sit surrounded by boxes, trying to be ruthless, but spending almost as much time reminiscing as I do packing. Little drawings and notes from the children – how can I be ruthless? Hand made presents from my girls that have actually become a bit old and shabby over the years, but are still as precious to me now as when I first found them under my pillow.

Ah, God has been good to me. I know that He is leading us as a family, and I trust Him for the days ahead. I know there’ll be times when I feel tired and wrung out and sick of pioneer life in the barn, but I just can’t suppress the wonderful feeling of optimism and adventure that beckons. Thank God for that!


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