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Update on The Barn Chronicles


One of the joys of being a writer is that you get letters  and emails and sometimes the most amazing pictures from your readers. 🙂 I recieved this beautiful picture yesterday. I love it! I love the colours, I love the action in it, and I love Pharaoh’s beautiful eyelashes!

I thought I’d put an update here on how my latest book is going (the one I’m writing!) – the last of The Barn Chronicles series. I got an email last week from Thomas asking me when the new book would be ready because he’s “BUSTING to read it!!” Well, I’m over half way through now, but of course I still have all (well, nearly all) the pictures to draw. And they take a long time. I hope Kate will help me draw some during the summer holidays, and if all the kids do a few each that will help too. Then there’s the long process of editing and publishing. But at the end of it, will be a complete series. 🙂 And I’m also designing a special box for the four books to go in, so it will be a boxed set. Fun.

So hang in, kids. I’m working hard at it. (Just had a thought…what about a special edition of Where Lions Roar at Night with colour illustrations by my readers?? Hmm. Now that would be fun. No promises though!!!)



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