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Your Life is like Music to Me


I found a box in Mum’s room the other day full of little notes from Dad. We’ve been looking through them together. Some of them made me cry. Mum has said I can share them with you. 🙂 I know Dad wouldn’t mind me sharing a couple of things that give a beautiful glimpse into his relationship with Mum.


To my beautiful wife Leone, a little un-birthday present!

I hope you enjoy this Tchaikovsky CD. Your life is like music to me. May it long continue to play! I love you, Evan.

To my dearest Leone, Happy un-birthday! This is a token of my deep appreciation for your bearing our four beautiful children – John, Peter, Penny and Rose! When we were in Hamilton for Josiah’s birth I began to appreciate what you had done more than ever before.

All my love, Evan.

To dearest Leone,

May you prosper in every way and continue to be blessed and to be a blessing to many,

You loving husband Evan. “Our cold hard lines of life with her are flowing curves of beauty.”

Dearest Leone, I love you and treasure you more than ever before. May we together bring joy to our Father’s heart and to each other.

I could go on and on, but you get the picture…Mum and Dad celebrated their seventieth wedding anniversary together just a month before he died. I hope these little notes encourage you, as they did me, to take every opportunity to express our love. I remember Dad telling me once that he couldn’t remember ever hearing his parents tell him that they loved him. And yet of course they did love him very much. I guess it was just the way it was back in those days. Dad determined that he would speak his love out in a way that hadn’t really been modelled to him. I certainly grew up hearing his words of love. His notes to Mum give a clue as to why they had such a beautiful marriage.


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