As the Boom family begins a fourth year of living in their ninety-three-year-old barn, a terrible drought has Northland in its grip. The land turns brown, the Great River of Narnia falls, and the animals begin to suffer. As the relentless drought continues, thirteen-year-old Milly begins to think the rains will never come. But meanwhile there is a homestead to be finished and adventures to be had. There are calves to rear, gardens to plant and endless firewood to be collected. When the drought finally breaks and the river rises again, The Ruins have been transformed into a home crafted with love, blood, sweat and tears. Milly can hardly wait to move in. The time has come to leave the barn and begin a whole new adventure…
Where the River Rises is a warm-hearted, engaging book for the whole family to enjoy. The fourth and final book in the multi-award-winning series, The Barn Chronicles, it invites readers to join the Boom family in another year of homesteading in rural New Zealand.
The first book in the series, Where Lions Roar at Night, won the 2010 CALEB prize for Best Children’s Book, and the sequel, Where Arrows Fly, was awarded the same prize in 2011. Where the Crickets Sing was a finalist in the same award in 2012 and the winner of the 2012 Christian Small Publishers International Book of the Year Award Children’s Category (8-12 years)
Where the River Rises (Book 4 - The Barn Chronicles)
Where the River Rises is printed with a hard cover and purple cloth spine; 283 pages and over 90 pencil illustrations.
"The Barn Chronicles are amazing! 10/10! I love how the series is funny, adventurous and exciting. I sometimes wish I lived in the barn but I live on a farm so it’s pretty much just as good. I love animals and enjoy reading about the horses, ducks, chickens, Prince Caspian and Angel. I will also always remember John the Baptist, the retarded but lovely rooster — R.I.P. I definitely recommend this series for all ages. Awesome!" Annelies, 10
“A modern-day Little House on the Prairie – and every bit as charming as that classic. My daughter sat spellbound as we read The Barn Chronicles. Though they were family read–alouds she kept sneaking off with them to read ahead. In an era where wholesome, fun, children’s novels are increasingly hard to come by, this series is a gem.” Lisa Taylor, mother, author of Motive Games
"The Barn Chronicles series is fabulous! I can never stop reading them. Once I did a ‘Rosie Boom book marathon’ and read the first three books in four days! Every time Mum orders the next book, I flip straight to the back to see if it says, ‘to be continued’. I’m thrilled when it does. They are such excellent books!" Erica Dekker, 11
"The Barn Chronicles series has charm and simplicity and reminds me very much of the beloved Laura Ingalls Wilder series. The illustrations are precious." Beverly McCord, USA
"I love your books, The Barn Chronicles. They are amazing, with all the adventures and drama! When I read them, I feel drawn into the story as though I am living it. I can’t wait to read the next one." Elisabeth
"Thanks so much also for sharing your barn adventures. Our entire family (mum, dad, 5 and 6 year old) is hooked!" Jeanne-Marie, mother
"I wish they would never end." Jane